Welcoming Sentiments

A little bit of this and a little bit of that


Mom, wife, business owner, crafter, natural minded, slightly obsessed with organization and planning turning into a creative cook.

That’s me today, but why do I have a blog?  I am not a writer or photographer which you will clearly see.  I have all of these ideas in my head but when I go to write or speak things never come out how it worked in my head.  I was an IT Project Manger, hence the planning and organizing.

I have always loved crafting and art related activities.  Most of my adult life is chronicled in scrapbooks (although I’ve gotten a little behind since becoming a mom).  I know not everyone feels the crafty part of their brain works very well or has the time to do projects so sharing ideas to help spark something in you is a big motivator for me.  I can also just execute the project for you 😉

It’s also been very important for me as a mom to make sure we are eating healthy.  I’ll be honest, I’ve never really been crazy about vegetables.  Every dinner had them and I ate them but didn’t like it.  Let me tell you that the more you clean up your eating your tastes change and I’ve become pretty sneaking about hiding vegetables.  Not just for my son but honestly for me too.  Although they don’t taste as bad anymore getting more hidden never hurts.  I hope to help you with some tips I’ve discovered to make meal time a little less dramatic while you are doing your best to feed your family good, healthy food.

Health.  Another passion I feel very strongly about.  I had began reading food labels but before I got pregnant we started asking ourselves, why are so many kids today so sick, why do so many have allergies, asthma…why do we know so many people…young people…with cancer?   It goes well beyond the food we eat and exercise.  The everyday products in your house that are marketed to us are causing so many of these issues.  Small changes make a big impact!